All for wine shops

Vinobox tapping system in compliance with legislation

VINOBOX is an innovative brand providing modern wine distribution and tapping. It is a synonym of quality wine combined with the highly effective Bag-in-Box technology packaging. VINOBOX is the ideal solution for wine shops and gastronomy facilities, especially after legislative changes to the wine act.


VINOBOX is the combination of practical 20-litre packaging with a technology that allows wine tapping in a way similar to e.g. KEG barrels. And there are other new advantages for wine shop, restaurant and bar owners and keepers. Compared to the 62 kg KEG barrel, VINOBOX is much easier to handle. Plus, VINOBOX packaging is disposable and environmentally friendly.

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VINOBOX technology advantages

  • Quality wine with prolonged durability of up to three months after opening
  • Easy and fast tapping
  • Opening hours:
  • Less space required compared to barrels
  • Immediate and fast exchange – tapping of another package during operation
  • Tapping variability – using the tapping system and manual
  • No packaging deposits